
  1. Nutrition Boosting Tips

    The Daily Dozen is the best nutritional guideline currently available. If you’re anywhere close to following it, you’re doing better than almost everyone around you. But there’s always room for improvement! There are tons of little gems of k...

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  2. The Road to Sustainability

    The world is incredibly ignorant about the current state of nutrition science. As the evidence has piled up over the past several decades, society at large hasn’t changed much at all. People continue to die of entirely preventable diseases. In many cases they were never even presented with the knowledge that their dietary choices could improve their situation. Every life lost to ...

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  3. The Most Important Resolution

    Of all possible new year resolutions, one stands out as having the highest potential to radically transform our lives. It affects all parts of life, and properly executing on it lays a foundation that is absolutely necessary to reach our full potential. It’s a simple habit that can maximize the health of our bodies, our minds, make us happier, increase our productivity, and (impo...

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  4. Fall Update

    Hi everyone! I've been silent for a few months, but I've been hard at work on a big update to The Scientific Meal Planner! The first bit of news is that I've decided to switch The Scientific Meal Planner to a freemium model, where there will be a free version and a paid version going forward. I tried to make it work on a patron based model, but it's just proven unsustainable. I ...

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  5. Snacks Update

    The Scientific Meal Planner has been updated with a freshly built snack system. If you've been following closely, you'd note that I actually had a primitive snack system months ago. Changes to the generation algorithm back in the calorie control update broke this functionality and I had to remove it. Now it's back and better than ever, giving the user a new level of control over their meal plans...

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